Awarding the Versatile Blogging Award 5

Thanks again to SR at To Have Her Heart for awarding us with the Versatile Blogging Award.

In addition to accepting this award, I need to do the following things:

  1. Thank the person who gave it to you and include their link
  2. Add fifteen bloggers and links to your own list
  3. Post the award on your blog
  4. Tell seven things about yourself

Since Biltrix is a group blog, the credit for the “versatility” goes to the other three authors Fr Jason Smith, Fr Jose, LaBoy, and Fr Joseph Tham, and I owe special thanks to Br Jaime Lorenzo and Br Nathan Dail for help with our videos. I thumbwrestled with Fr LaBoy and lost, so I — the lay guy — get to be the one who shares seven things about myself.

  1. I believe in Jesus Christ
  2. My parents converted to the Catholic faith after they were married and before I was born (thank you Jesus!). My dad is a permanent deacon in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, and my mom is just a saint.
  3. My younger brother is my best friend
  4. I scored 2 aces in a row at Token Creek disc golf course in Madison, WI — and you haven’t!
  5. I’ve been known to cook a mean hamburger
  6. Even though I have a doctorate in Philosophy I still don’t understand Rachel Maddow’s logic most of the time
  7. I currently teach philosophy at the Legionaries of Christ Center of Higher Studies in Thornwood, NY. This center will be closing soon. I teach my last class here on Wednesday. Teaching here for the past 7 years has been an honor and a privilege. I will miss it. And I love my students.

I left out the part that I’m a die-hard Georgia Bulldog fan, since birth, more or less — I was born in Athens, GA to UGA parents.

Sick’em UGA!

Here are the bloggers I nominate for the Versatile Blogger Award:

I would include This Blogging Thing, but he won the award at the same time I did.

Once again, I want to thank SR at To Have Her Heart for giving us this award. Please check out her blog!

Just a final note about this blog. I never defined what I meant by “Cultural Apologetics for the New Evangelization” (the tagline). I’ll clarify that with posts and pages soon, just in case the title does not speak for itself. For those who follow Biltrix one thing should be crystal clear:

This Is a Pro-Life Blog.

For me, Life and specifically the Pro-Life cause is an indispensable element in cultural apologetics and new evangelization today. I encourage those to whom I’ve nominated for this award to continue promoting the culture of life with their blogs, photography, art, writing, preaching, and videos. And I thank every one of you all for everything you have done so far. Many of you have been a great inspiration to me in this regard. God bless!

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10)

I am the way the truth and the life (John 14:6)


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